Suri So What!
I get that Tom Cruise thinks EVERYONE on the planet is an idiot. I mean, he must think that, considering I'm/we're supposed to believe the ASIAN kid on the cover of Vanity Fair is his!!!!!
I've got to go with the theory of him being an alien. He is an alien and we are all inferior life-forms...who will believe anything put in front of us. I can just imagine his "To-Do" List...
1.) Find really dumb young white woman, put her into permanent trance
2.) Make sure all she can do daily is flash a big dumb smile and drink lots of coffee (filled with my alien mind-control)
3.) Have master Hollywood make-up artist rig a fake belly to make her look pregnant
4.) Fly self to China and pick-up one of the thousand little girls abandoned in their sewer system, clean her up and bring it back with me
Voila, suddenly we have a baby AND a huge magazine cover. I guess we can finally sleep tonight.
Your Nubian Gossip Queen
"That's Right, I Said It!"